Friday, August 18, 2023

notes on attempting to install vmesxi vsphere client (from vmesxi 6 level) under wine on linux

download client installer from esxi server (local) web page
download microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 from MS.
notes on installing dot net that seems useful
getting error when installing dot net 3.5 sp1 
  "Turn Windows Features on or off" ...

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

QEMU serial port suggestion

A fellow on Facebook suggested the following to create a serial port (virtual) to telnet into on a QEMU host emulation.  

Running a sparc host running Solaris 2.8 or Sunos 4.1 as guests with sparc versions on the qemu host.  Networking isn't functional yet, but would be nice to get into the system remotely somehow till it does.  

This emulates a serial port on a virtual Sparc system so won't natively have any networking.  Hopefully will discover how to get the sparc host NIC connected on the guest, but this is handy for now.

Adam Koerner
Jim St Add "-serial telnet:localhost:4321,server,nowait". Then you can just telnet to the 4321 port


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Nice Samba hints and setup page

 Still looking for solution to a problem mounting from some servers onto an Ubuntu 22, and getting a 115 error.  apparently an improperly rejected connect attempt, but no solution yet.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday, March 13, 2023

local file links firefox linux

Firefox doesn't allow following links on Linux, so one can't get to off system nas files.
need change to allow this to work. 


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

connect to readynas with 4.x firmware which doesn't support TLS 2 or SMB 1.0

Readynas older versions
Notes about connecting to older Readynas 4.x isn't available with (or may not be) TLS 2 support.  Windows 10 has killed TLS below that.  admin page won't work even with warning.

The issue is Firefox (maybe other browsers) enforce this.  Not sure when that was also done with the system support, but undoubtedly will be there at some point.

Firefox setting:
bring up about:config, acknowledge warning
Set min to 1, so that will connect to 1.x web pages.  Max doesn't need to be changed in this case.

Windows SMB
 Windows 10 SMB may be set to not support 1.0.  in a home setting this may be used if the network is secured and not visible or available to outside or unauthorized connections.
hit windows button, type in "Turn Windows Features On or Off" or some portion till matching that.
scroll to SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support and check the box.  Apply.  May take some time but will have progress box.  took 3min on a win10 client on ESXI host.

about:config  security.tls.version.min = 1  leave max = 4 (as of ver 104 firefox)


Saturday, February 11, 2023

using docker notes

Access page while running
how to log into container
finding container
docker ps -a

docker system in
docker info
run an ubuntu container
docker run -it ubuntu bash

run commands inside container (example, sub container id for -it for below)
docker exec -it 52b3bd362c40 id
run a shell (simple) inside a running container
docker exec -u 0 -it 0f629993d2c3 sh

with snap version of docker, containers are in directories such as
stop a container instance
docker stop <container>
list files
docker exec <container> ls
copy files
docker cp  <container>:relative (or abs) path  not wildcards seem to work

WatchYourLAN notes
notes for sqlite
  • install sqlite on host
  • sqlite3 db.sqlite
  • sqlite> .dump [. at start is required]
  • copy and save the resulting SQL file to something.sql for future use
  • use site to upload the db.sqlite file
  • need to clone the sqlite-viewer site to local server so it doesn't vanish and update here.
reddit support / discussion


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Kodi SMB protocol setting


Kodi seems to require you to set the level.  The current minimum setting on 19.1 and 20 is none.  The maximum was set to v3

In the Settings -> services -> SMB Client box, set both min and max to v1 if using window clients.

Haven't tried it with Readynas SMB protocol shares.

May need to clear memory on Android system / phone for KODI.

settings -> apps -> memory -> cache -> memory.

clearing memory will erase all configuration, and permissions and all shares will need to be re-entered.