Monday, January 20, 2020

Saturday, January 18, 2020

rsync over ssh from vm esxi

basically have to build rsync on the esxi platform.  esxi uses busybox, rsync not included.


escaping scp filename or command lines with spaces

link from here

scp\\\ File\\\ 18\\\ 10\\\ 13.xls .
scp root@vmnu1:/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Ubuntu\\\ 16.04/* Ubuntu\ 16.04/ 


Friday, January 17, 2020

esxi remote mount

mounting vmfs over ssh on esxi system on a linux box

why not mount esxi file systems on a third machine with sshfs and rsync support, like so:
#mount src esxi file system
sshfs root@aaa.bbb.ccc:/vmfs/volumes/ mnt/sshfs/
#mount dst esxi file system
sshfs root@xxx.yyy.zzz:/datastore-vms/ mnt/tmp/
#copy vm files
rsync -av --progress --stats --delete --force "$src$vmd" "$dst"
fusermount -u $src; fusermount -u $dst

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

stream extract of cpio archive

extract cpio archive, split into parts.

create archive with split command, reassemble into stream with cat of all of parts in order.


cat usr-cpio-* | cpio -idv

cat usr-cpio-* assembles all parts into a stream

use pipe to cpio  | cpio

cpio options -idv 

-i means cpio put into reading mode, w/o other input option, will default to stdin
  stdin driven by cat command pipped to the cpio invocation.

-d  create directories, and recurse.

-v  verbose report to stdout (stdout for a -i instance is either silent, or verbose list of files


Saturday, January 11, 2020

xrdp and xfce4 problems on Ubuntu 18.04.4 release (started in 18.04.2)

described here:

more info here, matches problem:

This install fixed the problem on ubuntu 18.04.4

apt-get -y install xorgxrdp xorg-video-abi-23 xserver-xorg-core

cluster fuck


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Hercules info page (copied)

An open source System/370, ESA/390 and 64-bit z/Architecture emulator for Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X.

Extensive demonstration videos including explanations on how to install and operate MVS 3.8 and TK4- under the Hercules emulator.

Support for Hercules Studio GUI for the Hercules system/390 emulator. The GUI itself can be downloaded from

A Hercules graphical user interface (GUI) front-end for Linux and Mac OS X, with screenshots and free downloads.

A Timeline and Brief Explanation For the IBM System/360 and Beyond including the Hercules Emulator [PDF]

MVS version of Vasilis Vlachoudis awesome REXX implementation. Maintained by Mike Grossmann.

An update to Volker Bandke's Tur(n)key 3 (TK3) System by Jürgen Winkelmann - OS/VS2 MVS 3.8j Service Level 8505 - Tur(n)key Level 4- Version 1.00, update 08 - Explains how to access the publicly available online demo system as well as a link to the downloadable distribution packages. Original release date: November 2013. Update 08 released: September 26, 2016.

Discussion on anything related to the Michigan Terminal System (MTS) operating system software.

Source code repository maintained by an active Hercules developer, "Fish". The SoftDevLabs (SDL) version of the Hercules 4.0 Hyperion System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator. Forked from the Hyperion release of Hercules 4.0. Active as of: 4/2019.

MVS 3.8, OS/390 and z/OS program products and technical services including system software development. Includes download links and documentation. This site is the home of REVIEW, a software product which rivals IBM's licensed ISPF/PDF software product.

RPF is a software product, which runs on TSO under the operating systems of MVS, MVS/380, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, OS/390 and z/OS on S/370, S/390 and z/Series mainframes, both real and emulated. It can be compared to IBM's ISPF/PDF software product, but can be run without a vendor software license.

A presentation at SHARE 97, 25 July 2001, Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Jay Maynard of Global MAINTECH Corp. Looks in detail at OS/360, VM/370 and MVS Version 3.8. Prior link: [PDF]

This is official web page for Hercules version 4.0, working titled "Hyperion", the development version of Hercules. Hyperion is developed and supported by a small group of volunteers. Many links to other Hercules related resources can also be found at this link.

A graphical user interface (GUI), Windows front-end for Hercules, with screenshots and free download. See also, the Hyperion link at the bottom of this page for information on the Hercules 4.x (Hyperion) version of the Hercules emulator. Mirror site (may not list the most recent software versions):

A presentation at SHARE 108, 15 February 2007, Tampa, Florida, by Jay Maynard of Savail Consulting, Inc. An overview of running vintage and modern (circa 2007) operating systems under the Hercules emulator. This document includes Powerpoint slides with the presenter's notes. [PDF]

A presentation at SHARE 99, 20 August 2002, San Francisco, California, by Jay Maynard of Global MAINTECH Corp. An overview of running vintage and modern (circa 2002) operating systems under the Hercules emulator. [PDF]

A presentation at SHARE 100, 27 February 2003, Dallas, Texas, by Jay Maynard of Global MAINTECH Corp. An overview of running vintage and modern (circa 2003) operating systems under the Hercules emulator [PDF]

A presentation at SHARE 112, 5 March 2009, Austin, Texas, by Jay Maynard of Savail Consulting, Inc. Explores the addition of 31-bit architecture into MVS 3.8j. [PDF]

The Multi-User System for Interactive Computing / System Product is an operating system, similar in some ways to Unix. MUSIC/SP was written by McGill University in Montreal, and has a history dating back to around 1969.

This is the Computer History Wiki ('CHWiki', for short), a knowledge base about historic computers which anyone can join in order to edit.

Download links for a ready to install turnkey package consisting of a combination of Hercules and MVS 3.8j (both, circa 2002) and extensive Cookbook documentation. (Alternate locations to download the TK3 CD image: -or- - Note: TK4- by Jürgen Winkelmann (see above), is a more up to date, turnkey implementation.

This site will walk you through the installation of DOS/360, an early IBM mainframe operating system.

A website devoted to exploring the MTS operating system and getting it up and running under Hercules.

Collect, share, and save information about the Michigan Terminal System (MTS). A comprehensive site with resources to help get MTS up and running under Hercules.

Instructions documented by Malcolm Beattie.

An introduction to getting IBM's OS/360 operating system loaded and running on the Hercules emulator for the System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture systems. Tutorial created by Jay Maynard. Obtain IBM OS/360 software from:

Updated version of the Stanford Pascal Compiler designed to run on VM/370 Rel. 6 under the Hercules emulator. It should also run on today's z/VM and some, or all flavors of z/OS, a.k.a. MVS too, however it has not been tested on those operating systems. Currently supported by Bernd Oppolzer.

Vintage IBM Manuals for MVS/370, VM/370, OS/360. Temporary alternate link:

A page of links to public domain versions of MVS and CMS and supporting software, such as Hercules and terminal emulation software.

The MVS Dynamic Debug Tool is a client/server debugging tool for MVS 3.8 running under Hercules. Written and supported by Shelby Beach.

Source code repository for the Hyperion release of Hercules.

Source code repository for the production-quality version (release 3.xx) of the Hercules mainframe virtualization platform.

Source code repository containing a historical record of the evolution of the Hercules mainframe virtualization platform, tracking each release from 1999 to the present day.

Documentation repository for the Hercules emulator. Site maintained by Peter Glanzmann.

A collection of, and links to resources useful for installing and running public domain IBM emulated hardware and software.

Discussion group for users of the Hercules ESA/390 mainframe emulator

Discussion group for users of the OS/380 family of operating systems (MVS/380, VM/380, VSE/380) utilizing a patched version of the Hercules mainframe emulator (enabling MVS 3.8 limited 31-bit capabilities). Includes discussion of C tools adapted for use on all MVS platforms, MVS 3.8 through z/OS as well as all VM platforms.

Discussion on anything related to the CBT-TAPE free user supported IBM mainframe software.

Discussion group for users of the MVS Operating System running under Hercules.

Discussion group for users of the VM Operating System running under Hercules.

Discussion group for users of the Turnkey MVS System utilizing the Hercules mainframe emulator. Warning and disclaimer: Membership in and content posted in this group is strictly monitored. Deviance from the moderators' beliefs and direction may be grounds for expulsion.

OS/360-MVT 21.8F customized for use with APL\360 Version 1 Modification Level 1 by Jürgen Winkelmann - IBM APL\360 source code is also needed and can be downloaded from

Hercules Mainframe Emulator - Mirror of the former official site, and source archive - Contains v3.07 binaries and source archives, v3.07 and prior. Maintained by Jan Jaeger.

Resource links and documentation for Hercules and MVS Turnkey v3 from Tim Pinkawa.

Background, performance and controversy with IBM. [Wikipedia]

An integrated graphical front-end to the Hercules S/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator. Written by Oleh Yuschuk.

Tommy Sprinkle's MVS 3.8 documentation for Hercules.

Documentation for the Hercules and MVS 3.8 environment on a PC.

The family of freely-available 31-bit mainframe operating systems which currently includes MVS/380, VM/380 and VSE/380. Software, documentation and links to related software is available. Site maintained by Paul Edwards.

Provides instructions on installing and using Hercules, as well as archives of source code, JCL, and instructions on installing and using several of the IBM mainframe operating systems and many language compilers for the System/360-390 family of mainframes.

A freely available 31-bit C mainframe standalone compiler designed to run on MVS (z/OS back to at least MVS 3.8j), CMS (z/VM and predecessors) and VSE (z/VSE back to DOS/VS R34). Software, documentation and links to related software is available. Site maintained by Paul Edwards.

A CICS-like transaction processing system for Hercules. Site includes CICS documentation reference links and a free download.


cmake for building hercules Hyperion (version 4) for arm

Quick build info from above:

To build Hercules on your computer using CMake, you need the following software installed:
  • CMake version 3.4 or better: cmake --version. (CMake older than 3.4? See these instructions.)
  • A git client version or better: git --version.
  • A c compiler. Both gcc and clang have been tested.
  • If you wish to use 1Stop-Cmake, sed.
  • A REXX interpreter, either Regina Rexx or Open Object Rexx, if you wish to run make test, the CMake equivalent of make check
  • Not required: autoconf, automake, flex, gawk, grep, m4, nor perl. Although there is no issue if these are installed on the system being used to build Hercules-390.
Do the following to build Hercules using CMake on GNU/Linux or BSD open source systems or on Solaris.
  1. Clone or update your local clone of Hyperion, as needed.
  2. Create a build directory and make that directory your current working directory. You can create the build directory anywhere you wish, so long as the directory is writable.
  3. Configure: cmake <hyperion-source-dir>
  4. Build: cmake --build .
  5. Run Tests: ctest
  6. Install: cmake -P cmake_install.cmake      (if you wish)


unix2dos converter for text files to add dos carriage control

on raspberry pi use debian package name of tofrodos to add the package

sudo apt-get -y install tofrodos
