Friday, February 1, 2019

beaglebone black wireless wifi setup

From FAQ for BBB boards.

Using Beaglebone blue board instructions for setting up wifi.

Connect with cloud 9 if wished, or connect with ssh to, debian, temppwd (if not changed)

Use following from git FAQ to connect at root prompt using connman

connmanctl> tether wifi off (not really necessary on latest images)
connmanctl> enable wifi (not really necessary)
connmanctl> scan wifi
connmanctl> services(at this point you should see your network appear along with other stuff, in my case it was "AR Crystal wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk")
connmanctl> agent on
connmanctl> connect wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk
connmanctl> quit

FAQ copy is missing a newline, and the agent on step isn't apparent.

The beaglbone black wireless has an accesspoint in control of the wifi, and active..

The connect via connects by the USB network connection.

This is the process to connect to the board via the access point.  This will complicate work if there isn't another NIC on the connecting computer, since there will be no internet present from the BBB once connected.

What is the name of the access point SSID and password default on BeagleBone Blue?

SSID: BeagleBone-XXXX where XXXX is based upon the board's assigned unique hardware address
Password: BeagleBone

I've connected to BeagleBone Blue's access point. How do I get logged into the board?

Browse to to open the Cloud9 IDE and get access to the Linux command prompt.
If you've connected via USB instead, the address will be either or, depending on the USB networking drivers provided by your operating system.


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