Monday, March 12, 2018

Setting up motion camera software on raspbian

Raspbian has gotten the motion daemon integrated in, but all is not smooth yet.

you need to enable the raspberry pi camera with configuration changes to be sure that it is enabled.

0.0 create a boot media with latest raspbian, write on windows as needed

0.1 for newest stretch version of raspberry pi, enable wifi if necessary.
0.1a   with the media mounted on the creation host
0.1a.1   touch /boot/ssh to make sure ssh is enabled after boot
0.1a.2   put in wpa_supplicant.conf as needed

0.9 log in once booted up

1. sudo apt-get update

2. sudo apt-get -y install motion

3. in raspi-config
3a   set timezone
3b   set hostname
3c   enable camera
3d   resize media if using standard initial raspbian release image from 1.5mb

4.  change /etc/motion/motion.conf
4a.  change to allow non local control page access 8080
4b.  change to allow non local camera stream access 8081
4c.  change to run daemon if started manually

5. add  bcm2835-v4l2 to /etc/modules to get
5a. change /etc/default/motion to auto start
5b. set to get systemctl to start @ boot   sudo systemctl enable motion
5c. change permissions on /var/log/motion/motion so daemonized motion can access it
5d. change permissions on /var/lib/motion directory so daemonized motion can access it

6a. sudo systemctl enable motion
6b. sudo service motion start

7.  some reboots will be required.

00 optional

00.1  command;
          vcgencmd get_camera
       will show whether camera is supported and detected

Note for headless setup

on the boot volume (on system creating boot media)

Must be done before first boot.  Will not work subsequently (for the ssh enable)

touch /boot/ssh

Create wireless connection if need be.  This is the only way to start a pi zerow headless.
Contents of /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Another page setup 
Maximum resolutions
V1  2592 × 1944 pixels
V2  3280 × 2464 pixels


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