Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Set up a Raspian (debian for Raspberry pi) local repo

It has been suggested that it is difficult to capture a copy of the raspberry pi debian software.

While the actual starter SD image is pretty much whatever you get from the raspberrypi.org site(s) you might want to have your own local mirror and maintain it. 

this will allow you to diverge from the main rpi raspian by replacing packages, or just have a backup for the possiblity you need a stable copy of what you are operating on, or to debug on fixed images.

Two things need to be done.  one you need to get a list of mirrors for the repo(s) for raspberry pi raspbian.

here is a link to that:


here are the debian instructions for setting up a repo


More notes to follow as to how to set up the debian repo and copy a mirror.

Friday, February 22, 2013

qr link

Fun with QR links.  not sure where this came from, but was laying around as a draft



Removing packages from debian / Ubuntu

Never use dpkg to remove a package you have installed using synaptic / apt-get.   There is a database which tracks what is installed, and also is used to figure out what packages use what, as well as solving dependencies, so that much be updated.  dpkg does not do that.

apt-get --purge remove <package>

will remove the package and update that database

raspberry pi sound (raspian) as well as device list

here is a site on elinux which has a list of tested peripherals for the rpi


Also a site with notes on how to install and get sound going on raspian.  you need to install alsa and a driver to do so.


copied below for reference:

With the Pi connected to the Internet and SSH'ed in (see our previous tutorial) install the alsa audio drivers and MP3 Player
Copy Code
  1. $ sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
  2. $ sudo apt-get install mpg321
Reboot the Pi (% reboot) and when it comes back up, load Sound Drivers and Setup for 3.5mm Jack Output

Copy Code
  1. $ sudo modprobe snd-bcm2835
  2. $ sudo amixer cset numid=3 1