Monday, July 25, 2011
bash vs dash as /bin/sh
dash need not be installed, however if it is, dpkg has an install time option question to ask whether to redirect /bin/sh at it.
Friday, July 22, 2011
tftp server demon for Ubuntu
Tftp is a server/client implementation which supports the Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol. TFTP is a file transfer protocol, with the functionality of a very basic form of File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Advantages of the protocol
- simple design
- implemented in a very small amount of memory
- Booting devices such as routers which did not have any data storage devices
- transfer small amounts of data between hosts on a network
- initial stages of some network based installation systems to load a basic kernel that performs the actual installation.
- It uses UDP port 69 as its transport protocol (unlike FTP which uses TCP port 21)
- It cannot list directory contents.
- It has no authentication or encryption mechanisms.
- It is used to read files from, or write files to, a remote server.
- Supports three different transfer modes, "netascii", "octet" and "mail" (Obsolete)
- Generally used on private, local networks - Due to lack of security
For further details on the protocol refer:
For setting up TFTP server on Ubuntu you can use either tftpd, atftpd or tftpd-hpa.
tftpd Setup
Install tftpd on your system.
#sudo apt-get install tftpd
Configuring the tftpd directory:
#sudo mkdir /tftpboot ; if directory is not yet created
#sudo chmod -R 777 /tftpboot
#sudo chown -R username:username /tftpboot ;replace 'username' with your actual username
Create /etc/xinetd.d/tftp and insert the following:
service tftp
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = username ; Enter your user name
server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
server_args = -s /tftpboot
per_source = 11
cps = 100 2
disable = no
Now restart the tftpd server
#sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd start
advanced TFTP server (atftpd) setup
atftp is a client/server implementation of the TFTP protocol that implements RFCs 1350, 2090, 2347, 2348, and 2349. The server is multi-threaded. & also supports multicast protocol known as mtftp, defined in the PXE specification.
Install the server using the command:
#sudo apt-get install atftpd
Configuring the directory:
#sudo mkdir /tftpboot ; if directory is not yet created
#sudo chmod -R 777 /tftpboot
#sudo chown -R username:username /tftpboot ;replace 'username' with your actual username
#sudo /etc/init.d/atftpd restart
If you want ATFTP to be run as a server directly than through inetd, try the following
#sudo vim /etc/default/atftpd
Change the 'USE_INETD=true' line to 'USE_INETD=false'.... save and quit.
Use the following command to start atftpd:
#sudo invoke-rc.d atftpd start
tftpd-hpa setup
This is a tftp server derived from OpenBSD tftp with some extra options added. Like atftpd It is useful if you want to use the PXE protocol which has some non-standard requirements for tftp.
Install tftpd on your system.
#sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa
While installation it will ask whether you need to configure the server or not. Enter yes to do a default configuration. By default the system will consider "/var/lib/tftpboot" as the default directory.
If you need to change the default directory to '/tftpboot', then create a directory as mentioned earlier, give the necessary permissions and then edit '/etc/default/tftp-hpa'.
Modify 'OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot" to 'OPTIONS="-l -s /tftpboot"
To run the tftpd-hpa as a daemon, set in '/etc/default/tftp-hpa' the following:
net install ubuntu
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
android os notes
Monday, July 18, 2011
PXE boot notes
pxe boot server (centos version)
This works with latest version – ubuntu 10.10.
Once you are done setting-up PXE Server, you might need few OS booting from network / pxe for rescue purpose.
Ubuntu 10.04 can be configured to boot from network & can be used for system rescue.
Following is the procedure to boot Ubuntu 10.04 using PXE.
Mount ubuntu live iso on pxe server
mkdir /mnt/iso
mount ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso /mnt/iso
Create nfs share for ubuntu & copy all the content of live cd to it
mkdir /nfs-share/ubuntu -p
cp -rfva /mnt/iso/* /nfs-share/ubuntu/
cp -rfva /mnt/iso/.disk /nfs-share/ubuntu/
Enter following in /etc/exports
/nfs-share/ubuntu/ *(no_root_squash,rw,async)
Apply changes
exportfs -rv
Enter following in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
LABEL Ubuntu-10.04
kernel /tftpboot/images/ubuntu/vmlinuz
append boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot=NFSSERVER:/nfs-share/ubuntu initrd=/tftpboot/images/ubuntu/initrd.lz
cd /nfs-share/ubuntu/casper
cp vmlinuz initrd.lz /tftpboot/images/ubuntu/
This post will be helpful for linux admins who frequently installs diff linux os. PXE boot is one of the best option to start linux installation & for rescue of the other failed systems. we are using CentOS as pxe boot server.
install syslinux & tftp-server
yum install tftp-server syslinux -yenable syslinux at boot time.
vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp and change disable to ‘no’Copy needed files from syslinux to the tftpboot directory
disable = no
service xinetd restart
chkconfig xinetd on
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /tftpbootCreate a base directory for images. Create directories for each CentOS release you are supporting.
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/menu.c32 /tftpboot
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk /tftpboot
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/mboot.c32 /tftpboot
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/chain.c32 /tftpboot
mkdir -p /tftpboot/images/centos/i386/5.4Configure dhcp-server. Add this to your existing or new /etc/dhcpd.conf.
cp /tmp/dvd-centos-54/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz /tftpboot/images/centos/i386/5.4/
cp /tmp/dvd-centos-54/images/pxeboot/initrd.img /tftpboot/images/centos/i386/5.4/
Note: is the IP address of your PXE server
How to configure dhcp server on centos
allow booting;Create the directory for your PXE menus
allow bootp;
option option-128 code 128 = string;
option option-129 code 129 = text;
filename “/pxelinux.0″;
service dhcpd restart
mkdir /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfgSample config file
vi /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
default menu.c32
prompt 0
timeout 50
ONTIMEOUT localboot
LABEL localboot
MENU LABEL Boot From Hard Disk
LABEL CentoS 5.4 i386 Installer
MENU LABEL CentOS 5.4 i386 Installer
KERNEL images/centos/i386/5.4/vmlinuz
append vga=normal initrd=images/centos/i386/5.4/initrd.img ramdisk_size=32768
LABEL CentoS 5.5 i386 Installer
MENU LABEL CentOS 5.5 i386 Installer
KERNEL images/centos/i386/5.5/vmlinuz
append vga=normal initrd=images/centos/i386/5.5/initrd.img ramdisk_size=32768
Friday, July 15, 2011
improvments port for autoconnect cisco vpn
Improving on the Auto-connecting Cisco VPN
In my first post in this series I described an auto-connecting setup for Cisco VPNs using OpenWRT and vpnc, and in my second post I showed the details of how I did it. To wrap it up, here are some thoughts about future improvements.
One thing that bugs me about this setup is that I hardcoded some IP addresses. This is a really bad idea, in fact half the reason DNS exists is to stop people from doing this. Someday the VPN administrators could decide to renumber their gateway, and then I would have to connect to each and every WRT and update the configuration, or all my customers would be cut off from the VPN.
I could stop hardcoding the VPN gateway pretty easily, by having it auto-update whenever the WRT boots. Look up the correct IP address and write it to /etc/hosts
. (You need to be careful not to trigger the VPN autoconnect when you do the lookup, of course.)
The DNS servers are a little harder to fix. To look them up, we need to actually connect the VPN, and then pull out the nameservers that the VPN tells us to use. But this could be done automatically each time the VPN is connected, and it would make the whole setup more robust. Don’t forget to restart dnsmasq
after you reconfigure it.
Another thing that bothers me is that there are a lot of gyrations before the VPN gets connected: a packet goes to a private IP address, matches on the vpn_trigger
rule, which queues a message for the ulog
daemon, which writes to a file, which causes the file to exist, and also causes tail
to create some output, which finally causes the script to start vpnc
. Whew!
One suggestion is to use inotify
to watch the file, which is a good idea but still requires a file. (Also I don’t see inotify
in the OpenWRT Kamikaze package list.) Another possibility would be to write a ulog
plugin so that I can omit the file altogether. That might make VPN startup quicker, which would be a good thing.
Finally, if a customer wanted it, there are more sophisticated setups possible. It might be useful to connect to more than one VPN (either serially or at the same time), or to have the different LAN ports on the OpenWRT connect to different VPNs. All of these are possible if the scenario warrants it.
What are your ideas?
Auto connect for Cisco vpn via vpnc
How to auto-connect a Cisco VPN with OpenWRT
In my last post I outlined a design for auto-connecting Cisco VPNs using OpenWRT and the vpnc client. In this post I’ll share the code, and highlight a couple of details. Finally, in my next post, I’ll share some thoughts on improving these scripts.
This process requires some knowledge about your VPN setup. To keep my post from getting too long, I’m assuming that you know your VPN domain name and IP address range, that you can quickly figure out the IP addresses of hosts and DNS servers, and that you have a working vpnc config file.
The first step is installing additional packages on OpenWRT. You can install these from the web interface, or using opkg install
at the OpenWRT shell:
- vpnc, the Cisco VPN client
- ulogd-mod-extra, which pulls down the ulog daemon
- kmod-ipt-ulog, kernel modules for iptables and ulog
- iptables-mod-ulog, part of the tool for adding rules to iptables
Next, we need to make sure you can always reach the VPN gateway host. So we configure it into /etc/hosts
. Look up the IP address (using nslookup
, dig
, or a similar tool) and add a line to /etc/hosts like:
Now that we know we can reach the VPN gateway, we will redirect dnsmasq to always use the internal servers for the VPN’s domain. Look up the domain nameservers using nslookup
or dig
from inside the VPN, or just look at the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf
when you’re connected from your PC. Then edit /etc/config/dhcp
on OpenWRT and add lines like this:
# EXAMPLE.ORG private servers
list server '/'
list server '/'
Now, we need the script that will manage the VPN connection. Cut and paste this code into /usr/bin/
# Autostart vpnc
# From
# DHK 4/17/2010
is_vpn_connected() {
if [ -s $PIDFILE ]; then
ps=`ps | awk -v pid=\`cat $PIDFILE\` '$1 == pid && $5 == "vpnc" { print $0 }'`
if [ -n "$ps" ]; then
# Fill in our PID file
echo $ > $MYPID
# Loop, monitoring the VPN
while true; do
if [ $connected -eq 0 ]; then
# VPN is not connected. Wait for a request, then start it
# Wait for a log message, denoting that someone is trying to connect
while [ ! -e $LOGFILE ]; do
sleep 10
pkt=`tail -0 -f $LOGFILE | head -1`
logger "autoconnect[$] connecting due to $pkt"
# Start the vpn
date >> /tmp/autoconnect-vpnc.log
vpnc >> /tmp/autoconnect-vpnc.log
# Let the VPN settle
sleep 2
# VPN is connected. Wait for it to drop, then clean up
# Wait for the VPN to disconnect
while [ $connected -eq 1 ]; do
# sleep 10 seconds, check again
sleep 10
logger "autoconnect[$] disconnected"
# Clean up route table
if [ -f /var/run/vpnc/defaultroute ]; then
outsidegw=`awk '{print $3}' /var/run/vpnc/defaultroute`
currentgw=`netstat -rn | awk '$1 == "" && $4 == "UG" {print $2}'`
if [ "X$outsidegw" != "X$currentgw" ]; then
if [ "X$currentgw" != "X" ]; then
route delete default gw $currentgw
# Restore exactly what was saved, except vpnc syntax is slightly wrong
route add `sed -e 's/via/gw/;' /var/run/vpnc/defaultroute`
# Clean up resolv.conf
resolvconf -d
We’re almost there. Cut and paste the following code into /etc/init.d/autostart-vpn
; this is the startup script that creates the iptables rules and starts the last script at boot time. Make sure you edit the script to list the correct networks for your VPN, and check that the locations (hardcoded, unfortunately) for inserting vpn_trigger
in the FORWARD
rulesets makes sense:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common<br />#<br /># From<br /># DHK 4/17/2010<br />#<br /># Start after dnsmasq<br />START=80<br /><br />VPN_NETWORKS=""<br />EXT_IF="eth0.1"<br /><br />check_firewall_rules() {<br /> trigger=`iptables -L vpn_trigger 2>/dev/null`<br /><br /> if [ "X$trigger" == "X" ]; then<br /> # Fill in vpn_trigger ruleset<br /> iptables -N vpn_trigger<br /><br /> for net in $VPN_NETWORKS; do<br /> iptables -A vpn_trigger -o $EXT_IF --dest "$net" -j ULOG<br /> done<br /><br /> # Hook vpn_trigger into OUTPUT and FORWARD rules<br /> # Ought to do something smarter than hardcoding the position<br /> iptables -I OUTPUT 4 -j vpn_trigger<br /> iptables -I FORWARD 4 -j vpn_trigger<br /> fi<br />}<br /><br />start() {<br /> check_firewall_rules<br /><br /> /usr/bin/ &<br />}<br /><br />stop() {<br /> if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then<br /> kill `cat /var/run/`<br /> fi<br />}<br />
One detail I skipped last time is that vpnc
, as packaged for OpenWRT Kamikaze, will stomp on your resolv.conf file. Its default configuration just doesn’t work on OpenWRT. (The issue is that OpenWRT puts the WAN resolv.conf details in a non-standard place.) There’s an easy fix for this, though. Cut and paste the following code into /sbin/resolvconf. vpnc
will find resolvconf
and use it to manage /etc/resolv.conf
#!/bin/sh<br />#<br /># Simple resolvconf manager to integrate vpnc better with WRT<br />#<br /># Update /tmp/, NOT /etc/resolv.conf. This affects the<br /># DNS resolver operation, which is actually the right thing.<br />#<br /># Usage:<br />#<br /># resolvconf -a [if] < new-resolvconf<br />#<br /># resolvconf -d [if<br />#<br /># We ignore the [if] argument.<br />#<br /># From<br /># DHK 4/13/2010<br /><br />BACKUP=/tmp/resolv.conf.bak<br />RESOLV=/tmp/<br /><br />if [ $1 == "-a" ]; then<br /> # Change resolv.conf<br /><br /> if [ ! -e $BACKUP ]; then<br /> cp $RESOLV $BACKUP<br /> fi<br /><br /> cat > $RESOLV<br />fi<br /><br />if [ $1 == "-d" ]; then<br /> # Restore original resolv.conf<br /><br /> if [ -e $BACKUP ]; then<br /> mv $BACKUP $RESOLV<br /> fi<br />fi<br />
Now is a good time to make sure you’ve installed your VPN configuration into /etc/vpnc/default.conf
. It’s a good idea to test out your vpnc
config on another machine before running it on OpenWRT.
OK, let’s enable the services we need. You can do this from the OpenWRT web interface, or the command line:
/etc/init.d/ulogd enable
/etc/init.d/autostart-vpnc enable
Reboot your OpenWRT to get all the services set up. You’ll want to watch the system message log, so in one ssh connection run the log reader:
logread -f
and in another ssh connection start ping
ing a host in the VPN:
You should see a message in the system log, and after a short delay you’ll start getting ping
responses. Make sure to test the auto-connect from a host plugged in to your OpenWRT’s LAN port as well as from the shell: if auto-connect works directly from the OpenWRT shell, but not from the LAN, then your iptables OUTPUT rule is correct but your FORWARD rule isn’t. (If the problem is reversed, then the rules are reversed.)
If auto-connection doesn’t work, you can check the log at /tmp/autoconnect-vpnc.log
and then debug the process step-by-step:
- First, check that your vpnc configuration works:
- Then, check that the vpn_trigger iptables rule is being called by looking at the packet counts:
iptables -L vpn_trigger -v
- If vpn_trigger is being called, make sure that ulogd is writing to the correct file:
cat /var/log/ulogd.syslogemu
- check that the autoconnect script is actually running with
The hardest thing to check is that you have your DNS setup correct. I usually do this by checking the vpn_trigger
rules first, then use nslookup
to query a behind-the-vpn host.
using Scribefire to post to jim-st blog
Courier is here. example use will be to paste in a listing here in a blog and have it legible.
this is left default
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bash redirection
3. All about redirection
3.1 Theory and quick reference
There are 3 file descriptors, stdin, stdout and stderr (std=standard).Basically you can:
- redirect stdout to a file
- redirect stderr to a file
- redirect stdout to a stderr
- redirect stderr to a stdout
- redirect stderr and stdout to a file
- redirect stderr and stdout to stdout
- redirect stderr and stdout to stderr
3.2 Sample: stdout 2 file
This will cause the ouput of a program to be written to a file.Here, a file called 'ls-l.txt' will be created and it will contain what you would see on the screen if you type the command 'ls -l' and execute it.
ls -l > ls-l.txt
3.3 Sample: stderr 2 file
This will cause the stderr ouput of a program to be written to a file.Here, a file called 'grep-errors.txt' will be created and it will contain what you would see the stderr portion of the output of the 'grep da *' command.
grep da * 2> grep-errors.txt
3.4 Sample: stdout 2 stderr
This will cause the stderr ouput of a program to be written to the same filedescriptor than stdout.Here, the stdout portion of the command is sent to stderr, you may notice that in differen ways.
grep da * 1>&2
3.5 Sample: stderr 2 stdout
This will cause the stderr ouput of a program to be written to the same filedescriptor than stdout.Here, the stderr portion of the command is sent to stdout, if you pipe to less, you'll see that lines that normally 'dissapear' (as they are written to stderr) are being kept now (because they're on stdout).
grep * 2>&1
3.6 Sample: stderr and stdout 2 file
This will place every output of a program to a file. This is suitable sometimes for cron entries, if you want a command to pass in absolute silence.This (thinking on the cron entry) will delete every file called 'core' in any directory. Notice that you should be pretty sure of what a command is doing if you are going to wipe it's output.
rm -f $(find / -name core) &> /dev/null
Gnome Automount of USB
Configuring Automounting
Monday, July 11, 2011
Mounting media
Of interest is the umask parameter.
this could all be added to a mount, or fstab
mount -o ... /dev/sdc1 /mnt or such
/dev/sda2 /winshare vfat user,rw,auto,umask=0000,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8 0
/dev/sda2 on /media/sda2 type vfat (rw,umask=000,shortname=mixed,quiet,iocharset=utf8"